# User groups

# Features

User groups is the feature commonly used to assign dedicated benefits, such as discounts, price rules, special prices to the specific type of customers, instead of each individual customer separately.


interface CustomerIdentifier {
  id: string;
  version: number;

type UpdateResult = MutationResponse<'customer', Customer>
  • addCustomerToGroup: (customer: CustomerIdentifier, group: ResourceIdentifierInput) => Promise<UpdateResult> - adds user to the group
  • removeCustomerFromGroup: (customer: CustomerIdentifier) => Promise<UpdateResult> - removes user from the group
  • setup - it configures the api client within the enterprise package. It expects the fully configured apollo client, so we recommend to configure the original api-client first and pass this configuration to the enterprise package (example below).

# Usage

We strongly recommend to use these functions in our middleware as they require wider permissions. Using it purely on the front-end side affects security.

In order to create our middleware, firstly you have to register your middleware in the configuration:

import customerGroupsMiddleware from './customerGroupsMiddleware'

['@vue-storefront/{PLATFORM}/nuxt', {
  apiMiddleware: {
    extend: customerGroupsMiddleware

Secondly, the implementation itself:

// customerGroupsMiddleware.js
import {
  setup as originSetup,
  getSettings as getOriginSettings
} from '@vue-storefront/commercetools-api';
import {
  setup as serverSetup
} from '@vsf-enterprise/customer-groups';

export default (app) => {
  // API client setup
    api: {
      authHost: '{AUTH URI}',
      projectKey: '{YOUR PROJECT KEY}',
      clientId: '{CLIENT ID}',
      clientSecret: '{SECRET}',
      scopes: ['{RIGHT SCOPE}']

  // Passing the configured API client

  app.get('/add-to-customer-group', async (req, res) => {
    const customer = { id: 'eb7d1289-3063-4158-8bef-4caaa1ef476c', version: 5 };
    const group = { id: 'd0df9c72-5248-4da4-ac78-826a59e7dc47' };
    const response = await addCustomerToGroup(customer, group);

    res.send({ response });

Please note that we configure the API client from scratch, because we should use a different one for the server-side communication with the different scopes and permissions.