# Faceting

# Features

A composable responsible for (basic) faceting. This implementation rely on GraphQL api which means it not 100% complete faceting as commercetools provide in their dedicated rest-based faceting api. This one based on product and category query provided by getProduct and getCategory functions from @vue-storefront/commercetools-api. For more info regarding faceting and how it works, please read the core factory documentation available here.


interface ProductsSearchParams {
  perPage?: number;
  page?: number;
  sort?: any;
  term?: any;
  filters?: Record<string, Filter>;
  catId?: string | string[];
  skus?: string[];
  slug?: string;
  id?: string;

# Getters

interface FacetsGetters<SEARCH_DATA, RESULTS, CRITERIA = any> {
  // returns all available facets
  getAll: (searchData: FacetSearchResult<SEARCH_DATA>, criteria?: CRITERIA) => AgnosticFacet[];

  // returns grouped facets by facet name
  getGrouped: (searchData: FacetSearchResult<SEARCH_DATA>, criteria?: CRITERIA) => AgnosticGroupedFacet[];

  // return the category nested tree
  getCategoryTree: (searchData: FacetSearchResult<SEARCH_DATA>) => AgnosticCategoryTree;

  // returns sorting options and current selected one
  getSortOptions: (searchData: FacetSearchResult<SEARCH_DATA>) => AgnosticSort;

  // returns products that were found
  getProducts: (searchData: FacetSearchResult<SEARCH_DATA>) => RESULTS;

  // returns pagination settings
  getPagination: (searchData: FacetSearchResult<SEARCH_DATA>) => AgnosticPagination;

  // returns breadcrumbs
  getBreadcrumbs: (searchData: FacetSearchResult<SEARCH_DATA>) => AgnosticBreadcrumb[];
  [getterName: string]: (element: any, options?: any) => unknown;

# Examples

Example of the category page browsing.

import { useFacet, facetGetters } from '@vue-storefront/your-integration';

setup(props, context) {
  const { result, search, loading } = useFacet();
  const products = computed(() => facetGetters.getProducts(result.value));
  const categoryTree = computed(() => facetGetters.getCategoryTree(result.value));
  const breadcrumbs = computed(() => facetGetters.getBreadcrumbs(result.value));
  const sortBy = computed(() => facetGetters.getSortOptions(result.value));
  const facets = computed(() => facetGetters.getGrouped(result.value, ['color', 'size']));
  const pagination = computed(() => facetGetters.getPagination(result.value));

  onSSR(async () => {
    await search({ categorySlug: 'clothing', sortBy: 'latest' });

  return {